A downloadable game

Submission for the Vaarn Summer Jam '24!

Expanding on the Mystic Gifts rules for Vaults of Vaarn. This document explores how we might use the magic rules for the Goblin Laws of Gaming when adventuring out among the blue ruins.

Version 1.0 - August 17th 2024

  • Rules for converting the Mystic Gifts presented in the Vaults of Vaarn SRD to the style of the GLOG while maintaining compatibility with the rest of the Vaarn system.
  • 30 example Mystic Gifts; 20 standard gifts and 10 randomly generated.
  • Rules for what happens when your psychic character shines too brightly (Psychic gleam).
  • 8 new creatures to populate your world.
  • Some rules and Vaarn specifics hyperlinked to the Vaults of Vaarn SRD for quick reference.

Vaults of Vaarn SRD - Leo Hunt

The GLOG - Arnold Kemp

The Spell Heap: A GLOG Book of Spells - Skerples

Cairn RPG – GLOG Magic


Mystic Gifts GLOG Style - Spreads 1.0.pdf 235 kB


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I love this! I've been toying with adding a similar "Shine" mechanic to the psionic rules I have for Monolith (Sci-fi Cairn hack) for a possible update or 2nd edition. Hope you don't mind if I take some inspiration from this. 


Hell yeah, that sounds great! I just wrote this for fun so steal it verbatim if that works for you. I had a few ideas for how this might work but have been running Delta Green and rolling lots of d100's, that ended up feeling just right. Felt like the right way to replace GLOG Doom's as well since I wanted the rules to remain classless. The Cairn GLOG magic rules were a big inspiration as well.

If you end up using something like it, let me know!